Conference presentations
Keynote speakers:
- Investing in New Zealand’s Future – ACC’s new approach to injury prevention: Dr Megan McKenna, ACC.
- The Children’s Action Plan, If children are our future, we must love and protect them today: Sue Mackwell, Children’s Action Plan.
Here are some of the presentations from Day Two of the conference.
- Mates & Dates – ACC’s new programme to prevent sexual and dating violence: Emma Powell – ACC.
- Moving to reduce injuries for carers: Julie Haggie – Home & Community Health Association.
- Sheroes in our Backyard: Ruth MacIntyre, Women’s Refuge.
- Responding to the burden of alcohol-related unintentional and intentional injuries in New Zealand: Raj Singh, Alcohol Healthwatch.
- Jade Speaks Up. Collaborating to create a resource to keep our children safe around family violence (link to website): Elaine Dyer, Violence Free Waitakere.
- Injury Prevention Campaigns for Children by Children. The Safekids Aotearoa Creative Quest: Anthony Rola, Safekids Aotearoa.
- Young drivers make good assets: Wayne Williams, Safer North.
- Creating a community of caring men – a local men’s response to family violence in Tairawhiti: Tim Marshall, Tauawhi Men’s Centre.
- Be safe – just have one. Sensible drinking campaign: Wendy Fraser, Te Takere.
- Safer Porirua – Feeling safe, being safe: Jay Marson & Karina Ratana, Waitangirua Action Group; Robyn Moore, Pukerua Bay Residents Association & Ken Ta’ase, Junior Neighbourhood Support. For any queries please contact Teresa Sullivan Safer Porirua Coordinator.
- Exploring the data collection process for a regional trauma registry in New Zealand: Bridget Kool, University of Auckland.
- Children + Learning by Doing = Marlborough Clued-Up Kids! Monica McKone, Marlborough Child Safety Group.
- Towards a zero drowning toll for under 5’s – the bath mat project: Sue Campbell, Plunket.
- Rural safety – reducing harm to children using school buses: Lucy Cotterill – representing Rural Women New Zealand.
- A simple conversation – diminishing the impact of alcohol and increasing citizen participation with formal agencies: Sgt Stephen Jones, Riccarton Police & Alisa Davies, ACC.
- Creating safe bars – Who are you? Safer Bars Project: Hayley Adams, Who Are You Safer Bars Alliance & Fiona McNamara, Sexual Abuse Prevention Network.
- Keeping injury prevention on local government’s agenda – the value of community coalitions: Amanda Kelly, Auckland Council.
- Lifejacket bylaw – collaboration for policy change: Teresa Stanley, Watersafe Auckland; Natia Tucker, Auckland Council & Pasifika Injury Prevention Aukilana.
- Puataunofo Come Home Safely. Pacific solutions for Pacific issues: Natia Tucker, Auckland Council & Moni Hogg, Moni Hogg Consulting.
- How Good is Good Enough? Perceptions of swimming competency and drowning prevention: Teresa Stanley, Watersafe Auckland.
- Lifejacket Education – education assisting policy change: Teresa Stanley, Watersafe Auckland.